Targeted Temperature Management

Targeted Temperature Management

Focused on preserving the brain by maintaining neurological intactment


Elevated pressure in the brain as a result of cerebral edema can be damaging and possibly life threatening without medical treatment.


Targeted Temperature Management and The Brain

  • TTM is a valuable treatment option for managing elevated intracranial pressure or edema.
  • TTM is an effective therapeutic option for reducing brain edema, which was proven to improve functional outcome.

  • Directly cooling the brain has been shown to have fewer side effects compared to whole-body cooling and has been proven to effectively reduce intracranial pressure and suppress neurogenic fevers.


Vivonics has awarded NeuroIntact the exclusive patent for this innovative technique of cooling the brain in human subjects.

No systemic side effects

Cool air for brain temperature

Patient remains awake

Eliminating effects of pharmaceuticals


Delivered via nasal cavity


On using thermoelectric to cool air and using a gas or air

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1100 Wicomico Street, Suite 330, Baltimore, MD 21230

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